Through My Window 2: Across the Sea 2023 Download Full Movie Download Free Dual Audio (Hindi – English)

IMDB Rating: 6.3/10
Genre: Comedy | Drama | Romance
Cast: Julio Peña, Clara Galle, Pilar Castro
Director: Marçal Forés
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Raquel is madly and irrevocably in love with Ares, her attractive and mysterious neighbour. The thing is, she has watched him from afar because, much to her dismay, they haven’t exchanged a single word. But Raquel has a very clear mission: to make Ares fall in love with her. However, she is not an innocent, helpless girl and she is certainly not prepared to lose everything to achieve her goal, most importantly not herself.
Through My Window 2: Across the Sea 2023 Full Movie Dual Audio Hindi and English Download Free or Watch Online 480p 720p 400mb 700mb, KatmovieHD, SkymoviesHD, Katmovie18, filmyzilla
If i had seen the movie without reading the books, i think i may have been able to enjoy it more (but the big plot holes, and rush scenes and lack of romance but oversex annoyed me) i get it’s an adaptation and things change but they made big BIG plot changes that made it had no sense at all and made the story senseless and incoherent. I wish they would had made the changes better i think i would have been able to enjoy it. So overall it was a very mediocre movie that ad way way more potential since it was a good book.